"Call 9-1-1! Grab the AED. Hopefully you have never had to yell out these words but if needed; wouldn't it be comforting to know that you were aware of the specific steps?
A recent study conducted in Denmark asserted that CPR, if done immediately, can result in a 30% lower risk of rehabilitation and/or brain damage. Since research indicates that 70% of all cardiac arrest occurs at home, a family member, caregiver, or friend might often be the home administering CPR an using an AED. The use of the AED is critical as the life of a person is often dependent on its use. You may have seen one in your local grocery store, a movie theatre, a shopping mall, an airport and even your place of employment. But the question is.....do you know how to use it? There are fully automatic versions as well as semi-automatic and the AED prompts will guide you and tell you what to do next. So your probably wondering; well, what exactly does the AED do? The AED's built in computer analyzes the heart rhythm and determines whether an electrical shock is needed. Come take a CPR/AED class with us here at Help-A-Heart CPR and we can teach you not only how to use the AED on the Adult, Child, and Infant but also how to avoid the mistake of standing by helplessly and not doing anything at all. Check out https://www.nhlbi.nih.gov/health/health-topics/topics/aed/howtouse on more information on how to properly use the AED and adhere to safety precautions.
Infant and child CPR is important especially for parents, caregivers, grandparents, babysitters, lifeguards, and even laymen rescuers. Knowing what to do and making a slit-second decision can save an infant's or child's life. While there is single rescuer and multiple rescuer protocol for the infant and child regarding chest compressions and breaths; it is important to know when to do what, for how long, and how to properly use the AED for either the infant or child.
Recent news in Texas illustrated the importance of CPR training and making that quick lifesaving decision. A police officer in Granbury, Texas was called to a restaurant to find that a 3 year old was not breathing. The police officers dashboard captured the scene as the officer who happened to be close to the scene arrive and took the boy from his frantic mother. Immediately placing the child on the ground, the officer began CPR and then instructed the child' father how to do it so that he could grab a CPR mask-the officer returned and continued chest compression. After about two minutes, the child began breathing. Do you have an infant or small child in your household? Are you a grandparent and just began taking care of your grandchild? Now is the time to take that Pediatric and Child CPR/AED class that you've been considering. Contact us at www.helpaheart.com to find out when our next Peditatric and Child CPR/AED/First Aid class is being held. Read more here: http://www.star-telegram.com/news/state/texas/article109252642.html#storylink=cpy In our faced paced world and with the need for everything digital-sometimes its easy to forget the importance of doing some things in a face-to-face environment. I feel that CPR and First Aid training is one of them. While online learning is wonderful and so convenient, it is also necessary to hone one's lifesaving skills and that is something that requires training by an experienced instructor. Take for example the recent incident in which the New York City police department fired a shot into a Brooklyn housing project and a bullet ricocheted and hit a man. While the man lie dying, a bystander called 911 and was unsuccessfully coached over the phone on how to perform CPR. While a police officer was present, when asked in court why he didn't begin CPR, he explained that felt that the bystander was more adept than he.
Unfortunately, time is what matters. If the person is not receiving adequate oxygen then permanent brain damage occurs and only takes approximately 4 minutes for brain damage to occur and death can occur in 6 minutes. While emergency situations will arise and often when we least expect; take the time today to invest in a 3-4 hour face-to-face class to learn the basics of CPR and how to effectively operate the AED. Remember, it all starts with "Call 911, Grab the AED". Unfortunately, the problems lies in that many American people don't know where or what the AED is. http://www.nytimes.com/2016/09/27/opinion/police-officers-need-to-get-better-at-cpr.html?_r=0 |
AuthorDr. Tracy A. Jones is the CEO of Help-A-Heart CPR, LLC and an American Heart Association, ASHI, and American Red Cross Master Program Trainer, Instructor, & AHA Faculty Member located in San Antonio, Texas. Archives
January 2025
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